
Swaminathan S. Anklesaria Aiyar

Economist / Editor / Researcher

Swaminathan S. Anklesaria Aiyar is graduate of St. Stephen’s College, University of Delhi and Magdalen College, University of Oxford. He is currently a Consulting Editor for The Economic Times and a research scholar at The Cato Institute.







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Look what is delivering the goods for India!

India’s services exports exceeded merchandise exports for the first time in November, driven primarily by software services and the increasing importance of Global Capability Centres. Services exports have managed to grow despite no specific incentives,...

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India’s services exports exceeded merchandise exports for the...
Yes, Manmohan Singh was right

Yes, Manmohan Singh was right. History will be kind to him

Few people know or care about Lincoln’s failings...

Why can’t India sustain 8% GDP growth? The answer lies in politics

This column recently highlighted India’s economic puzzle. GDP...

Creating jobs in manufacturing in the US and India is a study in contrast

Trump and Modi are focusing on manufacturing to...

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Mr. Modi Goes to Washington

What would India and the U.S. get out of a stronger relationship? Is that even likely? Cato’s Swaminathan S. Anklesaria Aiyar comments.

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